The Brief:
How can business consulting teams leave a creative, positive impact on stakeholders and clients through our practices?

Young consultants often seek new methods to help unlock the potential of positive impact in their work. With a four-person team, my goal was to make an in-person gaming experience that enables brainstorming with creative teams and spark great ideas. The game would bridge empathy to ideation, with roots in historical innovations, thought-provoking questions, and connect contemporary problem-solving between generations of consultants.
Direction contributions:
Design strategy, art direction, branding, template design
Design Strategy and Branding Process
Principles to Direction:
To inform brand messaging, my team focused on design principles before the visual approach based on internal user tests, card game research (e.g. IDEO Method Cards, Fluxx, etc.) and the team's overall product goals. I considered the challenge of aligning the game's brand to the client's brand, understanding that this game had to stand out as its own product amongst other competing internal tools. Additionally, I explored dozens of logo options that shared an element with the current client brand through typography or core colors.
Identity and Visual Language
Dynamic Logo and PatternS:
Together with the team, we chose a logo emphasizing the intersection of discussion and ideation. To best draw quick attention, this dynamic logo can be attributed through bold candy colors and type choices that stood out from the greater client sub brands and be used in multiple application contexts.

The final block pattern design communicated variation, flexibility and growth of ideas through different lens. Figures are formed through the blocks, each touching on abstract ideas.

Game Application
The game mechanics covered three types of cards, a rule sheet, and a blank notepad to write bankable ideas discussed in the game. Each player pulls a persona card, pitches an idea based on a randomized prompt, and the Engagement Director that round chooses the best ideas. After all favored bankable ideas were documented, winning players that round earn a point, multiplied or modified based on their persona card and additional rules set in the game. The box design fit the 4x6" prompt cards with 2x3" persona cards on top, keeping the game compact and sustainable on-the-go.
Over three months, I produced a basic brand guidelines, designed card templates and conceptualized the box design with printer considerations. Before rolling off the team, I established additional briefs for the rule sheet manual and marketing communications at the completion of the game. 

The card game is currently seeking additional funding to go into MVP production and conduct additional research.

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